TF Newbie
29/12/2009 01:57 AM
I have just run out of my supply of Power Pills
and I don't want my fuel costs to go up so does
anyone know where I can get some more.
I bought 300 over 2years ago from a company in
Welwyn, Herts. but they seem to have closed and now I'm stuck
TF Trainee
31/12/2009 12:15 PM
Almost run out my self I will look into it and get back to you
TF Newbie
01/01/2010 01:33 PM
Thank You Den
I look forward to what ever info you can find
PM me or post I'll be waiting
TF Trainee
03/01/2010 10:18 AM
Hi Folks,
Try, which has an E-Commerce link.
Go there, Click your country, click products, & read features & benefits, of MPG caps & Boost, plus Ultra, which puts the lubrication BACK into your engine, that LEAD petrol had, & Low Sulphur, Does not!
Also, EXTreme plus, you mix 2oz to couple of pints of Oil, & can get 15%+!
ONE pill, spilt FOUR WAYS, treats 4 x 23-42 litres.
EG.If your tank has 23-42 Litres in it, CRUSH 1/4 of a cap, & supplement to the fuel.
Thee is a liquid version, BOOST
All these are available, Wholesale or Retail.
Warm Regards
Chris Sawyer
Crzawley, West Sussex
TF Trainee
03/01/2010 10:27 AM
Hi Folks,
20 GBPounds buys you pack of 10 pills @ Retail, including post & Packing. Wholesale price, 11 GBP + Post & Packing.
Private Message me for an update & Protocol for other tank size.
Works in Diesel, Petrol, Bio-Fuel, as is a Combustion Chamber Conditioner.
The FUEL carries it to the CC, where it takes less fuel in, & helps your CAT converter, your wear & Tear of engine, etc.
Warm Regards
Chris Sawyer
TF Trainee
05/01/2010 10:14 AM
Hi Ken
I said I'd get back
The Power Pill as we knew it is not made any more it has been replaced by Alpha Pill
They now have a seperate tablets for Petrol & Diesel (must admit I always wondered about 1 for both)
and each one works with 70 litres of fuel, packaging is a lot better
I know because I have already got some.
Ordered yesterday here this morning!! ( I wanted to make sure it was Ok before getting back to you)
I bought 1 for petrol and 2 for diesel
£14.95 a pack and you will like their web site
No BS or claims just an at artical from a Taxi Mag and an order page
the site is
All the best
TF Trainee
05/01/2010 10:18 AM
Just posting to see if I can get the link to work
TF Newbie
05/01/2010 11:04 PM
Thanks Den
The link does work I have just ordered the same as you 1 petrol and 2 diesel, now they are different at least it will stop my son nicking mine haha.
But I am not expecting to get mine for a few days, not with all this snow.
And yes I think they have done a good job on the web site, I had never seen that Call Sign artical before, I knew it all already but nice to see it put so well if I was not sold before I would have been after reading that.
Shame they don't show the new packaging I didn't really like the old one.
I may give them a ring tomorrow, I wont be going out in this snow thats for sure.
I think they deserve a seperate thread here why don't you start one Den
Thanks again
TF Trainee
06/01/2010 03:17 PM
Ken you started this one you can start the next one too, I agree start a new thread I will happily comment but I do have a title for you
"Taxi Drivers Are Not Stupid" It's the first line from their site and it got my attention and if you are going to add a link don't forget
to put and at the beginning and end it's nice to have a site for Taxi Drivers
TF Trainee
06/01/2010 03:21 PM
opps that didn't work it appears I cant put the code in to show you what I mean
just look at the top you will work it out
TF Trainee
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TF Trainee
07/03/2011 11:16 AM
My name is Chris Sawyer.I am now an agent for Greenfoot Global , who distribute the Enviro Tablets.
They have taken the Combustion Chamber Catalyst caps, & re-formulated them, so that they disolve in Heavy oil & Deisel, much better.
I enviro cap treats 20 Gallons or 76 litres.
1/2 a cap, treats 38 litres.
Plus, it does your engine much better.! guy will find me, plus we have a Facebook page, under Greenfoot.
Would you buy a $50 bill for $20?
These can be brought, Wholesale or Retail.
Warm Regards
Chris a Sawyer
TF Trainee
07/03/2011 11:23 AM
A P.s. on the Enviro tablets:7-14+ MORE mpg is 100$ Money Back Guarantee!
They also reduce your emissions up to 75%, within minutes, thus avoiding the smog that builds up, & satisfies the Emissions within the congestion zone in london, & other big cities.
A pack of 10 cost £10.75 plus P&P, $24.95 or $21.75 on line from our E-Commerce web site.
Why not text or chat, with me?
Warm Regards
Chris a Sawyer(facebook)
The fuelsave guy ( Skype)