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Software Development
Last Post 24/02/2010 04:09 PM by Bill_Datamaster. 5 Replies.
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TF Newbie
18/02/2010 07:19 PM
I'm going to do something unconventional.
We're writing a new database application catering for the taxi and private hire industry, and we need your help in order to do it.
This is because we want the software to do what YOU want it to do, and not what WE think you need, and I mean from the bottom up.
I want this software to be available, accessible, useful and affordable to every single person in the taxi and private hire industry, otherwise what's the point in writing it.
As the software takes shape (I'm estimating 6 months to completion) I'll be posting frequent updates here - and other forums/blogs and on the Hornet Software website - along with BETA versions of the software for you all to play with.
Please feel free to ask any questions you want, and offer any suggestions you can.
Thanks for reading,
Sam Hazzard
Hornet Software.
TF Newbie
22/02/2010 05:41 PM
Don’t want to put the mockers on anything but you’re about the gazillionth person who's thought about starting a project like this.
I think before you spend too much time, you should do a bit more research and take into account companies like ourselves who provide well-established software free of charge.
We've been writing code for taxis since 1989 and even with three programmers doing nothing but this, we're still writing the bloomin stuff.
You can write something in six months I'm sure, but I guarantee you'll just end up wishing you'd never started.
Try the free download from our site just to see what you’re up against.
TF Newbie
22/02/2010 07:34 PM
OK, thanks for the info there Bill, and the advice. I downloaded your software some time ago when I was researching the market to ascertain the economic viability of such a project.
Sounds like you don't like writing the bloomin' stuff - lol.
I've been writing database applications for a little over 15 years, mostly government projects, and I love it (even the little homemade apps) !
I've co-written an NForce/Custodial Management System installed in all most Class A and B prisons in the UK (C++, SQL backend, biometric security - morpho scan and morpho touch unit integration);
Sole programmer of the National CBRN Centre training and development software;
Consultant and co-writer of Hampshire/Lincolnshire/Met Police force custody systems;
as well as loads of little library systems and shop applications.
etc etc etc
I've already designed the database and written the engines for use with SQL server/express and Microsofts .mdb (as yours does) and the skeleton application is taking shape, which is why I was asking the community for input. What I'm basically after is people with on-the-ground experience with other applications such as your own to tell us what they like or dislike about what they already use and to point out how THEY would like the whole thing to hang together (and to see if there's any easter-eggs I can cook up before go-live too !! lol)
I DO think your software has some nice ideas (I like the low cost approach to mapping), but overall it didn't really impress me, I expected something less dated, more professional (you need to address and correct your spelling mistakes and encrypt the login table) and something that's more user-friendly and not so counter-intuitive.
Thanks again for your input and advice Bill,
Best regards
Sam Hazzard
TF Newbie
23/02/2010 10:32 PM
I can’t see how you downloaded our software some time ago because as far as I know, we only included the download facility just last week so I’m not quite sure what you’ve been looking at?
Also, the low cost mapping is in fact expensive high resolution OS mapping (down to individual house level) and is probably one of the most advanced on the market.
If you’re looking for feedback then I’d suggest trying a more active forum. I look in here once every blue moon. Try this. http://www.taxi-driver.co.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=13357
I’ll remove this link in a few days as it’s not really polite to do this.
TF Newbie
24/02/2010 12:10 AM
That'll teach me to write my own critiques......
Thanks Bill.
Looking at it I have to say, the OS mapping is actually very good, I've used very similar products in the past for address location and routing.
And you're right about the forum, it's a bit on the 'low traffic' side I think (It's the first one I came across).
You're a gentleman. I'll stop being a cock now....
TF Newbie
24/02/2010 04:09 PM
Whoops no edit facility so can't remove that link. Ah well it's the thought that counts.
No problems Sam, I'm just trying to help prevent you creating a labour of love situation that won't bring a return that justify the effort involved. I understand your thinking because personally, I still love the challenge of programming but the taxi business is a nightmare environment to work in.
The biggest problem is that if something does go wrong in this field, they're on the phone at 3 in the morning, people are effectively out of work, all hell breaks loose and of course it's all your fault even though it's just a monitor fault. Back in the early days, I was living on my nerves and frightened to death every time the phone rang just in case the software crashed or did something wrong. You need to be available 24/7 and have a family who will put up with you taking very long calls at the most awkward of times so you can effectively forget about that Saturday night meal with your friends. So knowing what I know now, I wouldn't ever advise others to follow in my footsteps unless they're prepared to accept the huge social responsibility.
Anyway Sam, whichever way you choose to go, good luck and I do hope you take this in the spirit it was meant.
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