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19 July 2010, The Taxi Drivers Forum - The forum for taxi drivers in the UK!

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PHC cross border hires
Last Post 21/03/2010 10:45 PM by chips. 0 Replies.
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TF Newbie


21/03/2010 10:45 PM  
I've been trying to get my head around this for a while now. Here's an example;

My LO is in Glasgow and I am pre-booked to go from Glasgow to Perth. All well and good as far as I understand. But what about if I am pre-booked to take a customer from Perth to Glasgow? Or from Perth to Edinburgh? Is that legal as long as the LO, car and driver are all licenced by the same council?

Sorry if it's an obvious question, but I'm finding it difficult to find 'set in stone' rule.
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