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Abstract of Laws for London’s licensed private hire vehicle operators.
Last Post 15/01/2008 12:28 PM by Tony. 1 Replies.
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15/01/2008 12:25 PM |
PCO Notice 03/08
Abstract of Laws for Private Hire Vehicle Operators
The PCO has now published an Abstract of Laws for London’s licensed private hire vehicle operators.
The Abstract gives general guidance on private hire law and should assist operators in knowing relevant legislation. The Abstract is not an exhaustive or definitive statement of the laws governing PHVs and has itself no force of law. It should be used for general guidance only and reference should be made to the text of the legislation quoted as appropriate.
The Abstract is being sent to all existing PHV operators and will be provided to all new licensed operators. The document can also be downloaded from the TfL website: www.tfl.gov.uk/PCOpublications
An Abstract of Laws for private hire vehicle drivers was published in May 2007 and is also available on the TfL website.
Mary Dowdye
Head of Standards & Regulations
15/01/2008 12:28 PM |
The Law
To help you understand the law and legislation for taxi drivers, private hire drivers and private hire operators you can download our Abstracts of Laws.
You should use the abstracts for general guidance only. The documents are not exhaustive or definitive statements of the laws governing the use of taxis and private hire vehicles and have no force of law. You should refer to the text of the statutes, etc. quoted.
- Private Hire Operators Abstract of Laws (PDF 88KB)
- Private Hire Drivers Abstract of Laws (PDF 74KB)
- Taxi
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