TAXI drivers in Eastbourne have hit back at claims there are not enough of them in the town.
The National Consumer Council last week wrote to Eastbourne Borough Council urging it to abolish what it called 'unnecessary and anti-competitive restrictions' saying the knock-on effect was longer taxi queues and it also prevented newcomers from joining the trade.
But this week Eastbourne's Hackney Carriage drivers said there was an ample number of taxis, which can be flagged down and can pick up off ranks, and along with private hire operators, who need to be booked, there is more than enough to meet the demand from customers in the town.
They say plans to deregulate the system in Eastbourne would lead to an overkill and many drivers would struggle to make a living.
Barry Morris, chairman of 720 Taxis, said, "Anyone can see there are more than enough Hackney Carriage drivers because the ranks in Old Orchard Road and Bolton Road are always busy."
"And if we end up with too many Hackneys, no-one will be able to make a living and people will be put out of business."
A Hackney Carriage proprietor who runs www.thepeople, Steve O'Neill said, "The Hackney Carriages of Eastbourne, many of which are independently operated, will rank in Bolton Road, Old Orchard Road and the Railway Station and on these ranks it is not uncommon to wait for a fare for a period of one hour. There is no unmet demand for Hackney Carriages.
"Eastbourne has around 84 Hackney Carriage operators and some 300 private hire vehicles in the town."
March 2007 Eastbourne Herald