Hello. My name is Ted and I am a Yellow Cab company owner in california and I still drive. I do not have many problems here like I did driving in the city. But with technology and a little psychology, I have pulled through a few close calls. Here are my tips and I hope they help you. Safety is a number one issue in my company.
#1 Car cams, that are live feed to your home PC through IM, and you can warn anyone trying to rob or hurt you that they are indeed on live video feed being recorded to a PC. Wireless laptops are perfect to install web cams to and live feeds through instant messaging are a sure way to help in the identitity of some criminals, and a great "psychological deterent to would be criminals. If you tried to rob a cab driver and he informed you that you were on live video would you continue to rob him or would you hesitate? It just migh save your life.
#2 Scatter your money, Old trick. Keep change for twenty quid in your shirt pocket so if anyone approaches you and demands money you hand it to them quick. They dont take time to count it. They just take it and run. Put some in the boot, in each pocket, under the seat etc. If you are one of us that carries real cash, then scatter it so they only get a small portion if you are robbed.
#3 The worst place for a criminal to be is in the car while its moving. If someone decides to use a weapon, inform him that you are indeed, driving a guided missile and you will be more than happy to put his side in the first tree you come to. Pick up speed. In the last city I drove for someone, I got the word out on the streets, that theyll never know whos car they are in and I will catch them even if it meant killing them by wrecking the car. After all who are the police going to believe? You or a dead or injured man with a gun or knife? The story? He pulled his weapon, demanded money, said he was going to kill me and while I was driving he grabbed me and I lost control of the car!
I myself was shot point blank with a .380. The guy climbed in the back seat and demanded money. At that time, I was at a full stop but with my left foot on the brake and my right foot on the accelerator pedal. If I do not trust someone I will NOT put the car in park. I floored it but before I could pick up speed he shot me in the back. I am lucky to be alive, with only scars and memories. I am also lucky it missed my spine. Never put the car in park. If you are faced with a would be robber and you are rolling, do not lose your cool. Its easier said than done but practice not losing your cool. Fear or anger can blind you then afterward you end up saying, "I should have done this or that". Keeping your cool allows you to think a little more clearly.
I hope all of you stay safe and never face down a gun like I did. Here in the country, the worst I get are idiots who try to get out of paying by the old excuses. "I left my money" or "My friend will pay you when we get there". etc. Just a few tricks to help you stay alive. Be observant. Know at all times with a glance, what they are wearing, how many or anything for that matter. Thinking, along with psychology might save your life. Please excuse our spelling its a little different in the States than the UK. Happy New Year to all of you.