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TF Guru

21 Dec 2007 6:09 AM Alert 

Why do taxi drivers succumb to being duped ripped off by paying contributions to unions that have no status in the taxi trade.They would be more advised to pay into there own slush fund made up of friends and colleagues they work with on the ranks.or form there own association to speak to l/a on local issues.The GMB can do nothing for H/C drivers except take membership under false representation 



TF Almighty!

21 Dec 2007 10:58 PM Alert 
Charlie your entitled to your opinion,peurile as it may be, 650 000 mugs out there eh?????

NEVER GIVE A MUG AN EVEN BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Plush
In the land of reality

TF User

22 Dec 2007 10:26 AM Alert 

now there is a suprise another driver has clicked onto gmb been neither use nor orniment to our trade.there is  650 000 mugs out there eh????? because they are forced to join by harrasment mainly and are told pure lies that the union will work for them, wait intil the members need indipendent help. thats when all the true colours come through.

i agree that the gmb has no status in the trade as the ones that run it are so unprofessional they gain no respect, they actually lower the trade more by opening there mouth, dont you terrance trent toenails

Joe Plush Pro driver,

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a bloke nailed to two pieces of wood.

TF Guru

22 Dec 2007 2:21 PM Alert 
Posted By GMB BRANCH SEC LONDON on 21 Dec 2007 10:58 PM
Charlie your entitled to your opinion,peurile as it may be, 650 000 mugs out there eh?????

NEVER GIVE A MUG AN EVEN BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You must be in need of a good accountant i suspect your figure of 650.000 mugs as you say or taxi drivers is incorrect your not clever enough mr sec to to change the wording to vent your spleen ffs mugs as you call them pay your wages !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



allo allo

TF Guru

22 Dec 2007 3:01 PM Alert 
You are very sad people.
I was a founder member and activist in our local association and we have been successful locally but we do not have the professional back-up or resources that a proper national union, such as the GMBPDB has, nor indeed do we have the clout ( or in some instances the access ) when we talk to managers at organisations such as Gatwick Airport.

Cab drivers tend to be quite independent types who think that they will be able to deal with anything that life throws at them, however that is not always the case, and as with an insurance policy, so with a proper Union behind you for when the chips are down.

But that is not the only reason to join a union, If you want to actually achieve improvements to our trade and working conditions you will not be able to achieve them on your own, no matter how much you wish you could. Only by joining an influencial body such as the GMBPDB will you have an opportunity to influence policy and gain access to decision makers such as parliamentarians. Then things can be achieved, while others sit around the side moaning and sniping at those who are actually DOING SOMETHING.

Certainly there are other organisations out there but they often try to have a foot in both proprietors and drivers camps. While there are undoubtedly a number of common issues there are also many issues which would be detrimental to one group rather than the other.

As a DRIVER there is no other choice except the GMBPDB

TF Almighty!

22 Dec 2007 4:33 PM Alert 
Suprisingly enough I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Joe Plush
In the land of reality

TF User

24 Dec 2007 10:00 PM Alert 

Happy Xmas everybody.
I have just been winding you up with a big load of lies and shit. I love the way you lads rise to the occasion.
No hard feelings Terry or Mick.
Joe Plush, The man with the velvet arsehole

I would never want to be a member of a group whose symbol was a bloke nailed to two pieces of wood.
South London Cab


28 Dec 2007 12:38 PM Alert 

Thought there was a truce in this section on the basis of Fleet Operators and Drivers having a common goal on this one.

Lets kick seven bells out of one another somewhere else

Bradistan...... only joking Terry Bradford to you others

TF Post Graduate

29 Dec 2007 10:51 AM Alert 
i moved this topic to a more suitable section away from violence against drivers as SLC mentioned above.

voted best trade publication 2006 & 2007

best place for cheap taxi insurance quotes online

TF Guru

30 Dec 2007 3:37 PM Alert 

Tony i strongly disagree this topic should have stayed where it was with all due respect drivers characters are being assassinated ?



South London Cab


30 Dec 2007 3:51 PM Alert 
For Christ sake stop sniffing your namesake

TF Guru

02 Jan 2008 11:23 AM Alert 

FFS get your tongue out of your puppeteers backside SLC and stop letting him pull your strings

Charlie the paper lad

South London Cab


02 Jan 2008 2:05 PM Alert 
Helping build the GMBPHB just like helping out to build the central London branch of the NUJ when in that union or the Bexley General branch of NUPE when working in local government. How on earth people ever do what is right based on principle will be lost on your ilk.

Selfishness and cowardice are two traits that have kept us disorganised and therefore victims. The task if we are to overcome that is raising the level not allowing others to drag us down to theirs.

If Terry wasn't here tomorrow do you think that would stop me trying to recruit to the union and smash the idiotic anti union misconceptions that have been rammed into the heads of those who choose not to think.

Now address the issue o gutless one

TF Almighty!

02 Jan 2008 4:57 PM Alert 
He wont hes gutless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

NEVER GIVE A MUG AN EVEN BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


TF Graduate

02 Jan 2008 5:32 PM Alert 
Hello all .hope you had a prosperous new year. Well what a right old mess charlie,(terry -perhaps its him!!! ) you know who i mean,hes;obviously heard about your feelings towards him???perhaps joe plush of the VELVET arsehole, the the one who talks a load of shit(self confessed)are related.why do posters think that you are the union......instead of realising that 650.0000 members are the driving force,dont they realise that the drivers are the force that seeks change to archaic legistlation and working practices
I believe as demonstrated by many who post on this and other sites ,that this industry has a wealth of knowledgable people working within it ,however predjudes and pre-conceived ideas implanted by opponents,prevent convergence and agreement on many issues,no matter what our detractors say the GMBPDB have had many successes, and are regarded as true representatives of drivers.

TF Guru

04 Jan 2008 9:39 AM Alert 


Now when you have stopped pulling your two friends Mr F please try to understand that not all taxi drivers want to be in a union or an association.Most cabby's go to work oblivious to the fact that gmb are involved on taxi issues.My self for example i can pick up the phone and speak to any of my enforcement team or any leader of the council for whatever reason and be listened to sometimes i may not win all battles but i have won a few wars.So basically any man can represent them self on various issues.Now the NTA have a wealth of knowledge in the taxi industry unlike the GMB that is why you and your puppets dont like other associations because you want new members to make up numbers to keep your lot in a lifestyle of freeloading ie expenses evenings and weekends entertaining lavish hotels and much much more. Quite unfair to be miss represented dont you think.Btw terry what size shoe do you and the president wear as i believe that a couple of lads from your way maybe trying them on soon enough ha ha pmsl   


Charlie the paper lad


TF Almighty!

04 Jan 2008 2:17 PM Alert 
Charlie you go your way and we will go ours B LUCKY your need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ORGANISE EDUCATE AGITATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

South London Cab


04 Jan 2008 7:44 PM Alert 

There can be no doubt that there are those with a vested self interest in ensuring maximum disruption is caused to the development of any genuine union organisation.

A penny on their profits is a penny off of our pay and a penny off of their profits is a penny on our pay.

Things might have changed since that sort of saying was first pointed out when the general unions were first being built towards the end of the Victorian era.

It isn't thousands under the same factory roof nowadays and our industry has always been different in that a penny on their rents is a penny off of our takings.

All that being said the principle is the same so it comes as no surprise to me that a fleet operator’s outfit wants to screw up the chances of drivers getting organised into the GMB professional drivers branch. Heaven forbid that we start wanting value for money for our rents and them getting off of their useless fat arses and getting us work.

Good god if we could start organising ourselves and getting effective representation organised the licensing authorities might have to get off of their backsides and doing their jobs properly as well.

The second hand car salesmen and car rental rip offs not to mention the spiv's who steal our money on a weekly basis in the insurance companies, they will all shiite breeze blocks over the thought of us being properly organised. Could you imagine all of us in the union willing to listen to the advice of the national committee in relation to the best firms to use? Christ they would be falling over themselves to cut prices offer a better deal and Christ help them if they didn't represent one of the GMB's members properly if they were involved in an accident.

So you see as well as all the benefits that already exist (cheaper cars from the Taxi Centre, tax experts, the sick scheme etc, it’s all on the drivers website) just think how much better it could get if everyone started joining up, if stewards started coming forward for training etc.

If a workplace was organised with everyone in the union and a trained steward on each shift to deal with the day to day cases and the branch secretary and officers to provide back up on the big stuff (dismissals/tribunals etc) could you imagine how much better that would be for those drivers. Winning one case is sometimes enough to change managements entire approach to everyone and everything and that can only be a good thing.

Good for the drivers that is and not for the scumbag fleet operators or proprietors or given their correct name agencies. Good for those who do the work but not for the licensing authorities and the burocratic degenerates who get their wages off of the backs of the drivers. The insurance spiv's and second hand car dealers would get a rude awakening as the solicitors letters landed on their mats and they would think twice before ever selling us crap again.

So we all know who the real gangsters are out there living off of the backs of the drivers. They are the ones with a vested self interest in seeing that the union doesn't build which is why they set up bogus organisations that do not even represent all of the agencies in their part of the country yet they purport to represent the entire industry. They come on this site hiding behind their pseudonyms trying to stop the drivers getting organised into a real organisation and abusing those who are working hard and struggling to build the union.

Who are you gutless I've told you all who I am and I am quite prepared to have a debate with any GMB members on the issues that bonny prince right Charlie has raised.





05 Jan 2008 12:54 AM Alert 
Hey Terry stop stealing my B. Lucky.

I know I don't use it here but I have little to myself now-a-days.

Charlie ................. you wind up merchant ................ and the velvet arsed Joe Plush ................ please remember that it takes more than one brick to build a house, but only one hammer to bring it down.

No part of my posts can be reproduced / Published or copied outside this site without my consent.
© Bandit©

TF Guru

05 Jan 2008 9:03 AM Alert 

Slc what a load of bollo**s you preach.Please do not try to sell me your union i do not need your support and i do not want to feed your bank accounts.Every thing your trying to sell can be bought by looking around and using other motor dealers Cab direct have good deals Fowler's motors Jubilee i could go on and on but I'm afraid i would start to sound like you and your brothers.Oh and btw some large insurance companies are unionized are thees spivs too or is this just an attack procedure to make you and the puppeteer look clever ?

So exactly what has the union done for the real taxi drivers you know the Hackney Driver Proprietor let me tell you eff all .

So basically Mr SLC your words and views are wasted upon me and i suppose i would sooner lick piss off a nettle rather than converse with the likes of you

Charlie the paper lad

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