Quicklinks Just for laughs! Licensing Zone Read all about it! Taxi equipment Vehicle talk
The latest edition of TAXI the magazine of the LTDA leads this month with headline TOCU shame! so it appears even they are getting pis-ed off with this section of Londons FILTH! The report outlines how TOCU [Transport Operational Command Unit] repeatedly ignore TOUTS on Park Lane, illegally parking in cab ranks, and touting! At the same it describes undercover operations designed to catch cabbies leaving their vehicles to use a toilet. Non of this will come as a surprise to us Londoners who for time immemorial have had to tolerate this shower of anti union, anti working class, racist, fascist, arsoles, no wonder their known as the FILTH, and seemingly determined to live up to their name. Question why ignore TOUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDUCATE EDUCATE EDUCATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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